The Free Refills Story, Part 10

Your Great Idea doesn't make any sense, some recalcitrant souls say.

Let's do a thought experiment. Try, as best you can, to imagine the world as it was before you heard about the Great Idea. (And I know this is tough. Something once seen is impossible to unsee. But try.) In this world, you are thirsty and you want a beverage, let's say a cup of coffee. So you go to a coffee shop and order a cup of coffee. The barista (whose love you are doubtless trying to win) takes your money and gives you a cup with coffee in it. You drink your coffee from the cup and then either return it so they can wash it (if ceramic) or else you throw it away (if paper). This is how the world worked before the Great Idea.

Now imagine you have this mug. The mug entitles the bearer to free refills. You want a cup of coffee. You take your mug to the coffee shop and ask for a cup of coffee. The barista (whose love you are doubtless trying to win) takes your mug and fills it with coffee and gives it to you. You thank her. She smiles warmly at you. The sky is blue. Birds are singing outside. You sip your coffee and it's delicious.

Now then, try to tell me that the latter scenario isn't the one that makes vastly more sense.

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