
I can't remember the last time I was in Central Park--maybe back in 2005, for Christo's The Gates?--but boy has it changed. First of all, they finally cleared out all the wolves, you don't worry about being devoured as much anymore, but I gotta say the park has kind of lost the flavor that made it so special.

Plus with global warming, the glacier in the center has receded almost completely, all that's left are some big boulders down near Central Park South and of course the big U-shaped valley. Barely any marmots left anymore, it's sad the way their habitat is shrinking.

I sometimes wonder what keeps people in New York now that all the stuff that made it so special has been bleached out. The place is like Wonder Bread now, I swear to God. The taxicabs are still yellow and the place is still full of self-obsessed assholes, but other than that, it's nothing like the New York I used to know. These days, you get within five blocks of Times Square, it's even illegal to download porn.

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