Today (Election Week Extravaganza, Part 3)

I'm kind of at a loss for words today. I guess a lot of people are. I had read enough of Five Thirty Eight to understand that Trump had a real chance of winning, and I wondered if there was a chance that Trump was furthermore underpolling his actual support, not unlike what happened with Brexit.

That parallel with Brexit seems apt. In both cases, the technocracy underestimated the sense among a substantial portion of the electorate that the system was no longer serving them.

Trump will be our next president. I'm honestly deeply afraid.

I've felt waves of anger at times today. I guess a lot of people have. I'm not angry so much with the people who voted for Trump. I'm perplexed by them, and I shake my head when I think of the enormous divide in our country right now. I'm definitely angry with the leadership of the Democratic Party. I'm angry that it never seemed to really occur to them that negative views about Hillary Clinton--that she's viewed as elitist, dishonest, and totally in the pocket of Wall Street--might be a problem. I'm angry that at a time when the richest are seeing enormous gains while the rest of us get left behind, it's the fucking Republicans who have benefited from the populist uprising. The party of business is now being seen as the party that might help the little guy. How the fuck did the Democrats cede that mantle?

I've been saying that I would leave this country if Trump got elected. "If we're going to steer our Titanic country directly into the icebergs, I'm gonna go ahead and get off this boat," I said.

Time to put up or shut up.

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