Here We Go

I promise you, if I can do it, everyone can do it.

I lived with blocks for so long, and carried the weight of the despair the blocks engendered, a deadweight that first crushed out joy and its myriad colors, leaving only a flat gray numbness, and then under that relentless pressure, the numbness crystallized into the blackness of annihilating depression, almost uncuttably hard, an anti-diamond in the heart of the soul.

For years I tried to figure my way out of the problem using my big ol' brain, not understanding--indeed, incapable of understanding--that a major part of the problem was the big brain itself. You'll never solve the problem of lack of feeling by thinking about it.

For years, I struggled. Then, one day, a generous teacher showed me the door to feeling. It was like: HOLY SHIT, THERE'S A DOOR.

Once the door was open, it was pretty easy to walk through. I mean, what other choice did I have?

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