The Work Itself Is (Has Been?) the Block

I cannot count the number of times in which I've declared here on Free Refills that I need to approach the writing in a different way, that my current methods have outlived their usefulness. (Can't count them yet, anyway; presumably I'll know the answer once I've read all 700ish pieces.) The very first such declaration came during season one, so this has been going on for quite a while.

Energetics 101: If you say you need to make a change and you do nothing to bring it about, you are dealing with a block. I recently realized that a big part of the reason I don't have time to explore my vision for the site or to find new approaches to the writing is that day by day I'm too busy getting pieces up. Every single day, I find myself butting up against my deadline. In many ways, I'm pretty much right where I was not long after starting this project, back when I first noticed that writing and publishing a piece every day was all the work I had time for.

This suggests that I'm using the work itself to be a block to the growth of the work. If that's true, I better be figuring out right away how to change it. I cannot and will not use my writing as a treadmill to appear to move forward while actually keeping myself in the same place. Surely I am better than that. I'll do whatever it takes to make that change.

I've noticed something, though: over the past few weeks, I've been pleased to see greater quality and depth to the work. (There were stretches this spring and summer in which I was basically doing the bare minimum to keep my writing promises, though given what was happening in my life, that's pretty understandable.) I propose that that that ascendancy presages exactly the shift that I am seeking.

One thought on “The Work Itself Is (Has Been?) the Block”

  1. I see as a handicap the promise to your readers to publish daily and maintain weekly word counts. I appreciate the desire to stand by a promise and commitment. The question is: why? What is the purpose of that commitment and how does it move your site, writing, and soul purpose forward? If the pieces are building upon one another to create a larger work or framework, then the website structure is impeding that (from my view, but I know you are aware of the ordering and subject searching stuff). If they are building up to something and are the foundation for an approach or conclusion or set of realizations/teachings/observations on a particular subject matter then simply focusing on the underlying subject or ultimate work product and making that the driving goal (as opposed to daily publishing, irrespective of topic) seems… Useful. If it’s writing to write, there is benefit there, but that time could also be spent strategizing and visualizing (manifesting) thr bigger picture.

    This is said as someone who loves reading the site, and I’m not in any way trying to move you off your commitment. Just querying how to get that commitment in line with moving goals forward.

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