Stalker Update Update II

Doubtless many of you are saying, "Hey, look, we get it, four years ago you dealt with a near-suicidal depression, and the universe helped you through, and, months later, when you hit bottom and really truly asked for help, you received all the help you could ever want and then some, and because of what you've learned from those experiences and since, all the changes you've made, how much better your life is now, and especially the intense gratitude you feel for all of this, you feel called to speak, because you believe that in so doing you can really help people. And that's all great, but what we really want to hear about is more about your stalker."

Hey, I get it. That sock showing back up … it really threw me for a loop. It was like finding proof of Bigfoot.

I tried on a couple of logical explanations. Like that maybe the sock had been static-clinged to the Famous Blue Hoody, and had fallen off at some point. But that didn't really make sense--I'd pulled out the Famous Blue Hoody on Sunday, which would have meant that either I was carrying the sock around with me for a couple of days without me or anyone else noticing, or else, even less likely, it had fallen off right away and been sitting on the floor for several days. That certainly doesn't seem very probable, does it? None of the other ostensibly logical explanations held up in the face of scrutiny, either.

So then what does that leave? The only thing left is that she brought it back.

I stared at the sock for a while. It lay there on the floor, both a question and an answer. Finally I said out loud, "I don't want to seem ungrateful, for it is one of my very favorite pairs of socks, but could I have the shirts back as well?"

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