Today’s Themes

Two major themes today:

  1. Over the past week or so, I've found it something of a challenge to find and maintain center while on the meditation cushion. This morning, I found my way to the question, "Am I living what I claim to be living?" In asking this and then exploring what I found in my body, I discovered a spot on my back that suggested a block worth examining. From there, I found myself thinking of a comment a friend made a couple of days ago: she said that I'm not as happy as I claim to be, an assertion with which I disagree--but a comment that also raises alarm bells, because I remember that I was in denial about my depression for a long, long time. These two thoughts in rapid succession told me meditation was done for the day, and I went to the computer to zero draft. I found my way to some interesting stuff, but nothing that has yet resolved into a piece.

  2. Within the zero-drafting on these subjects, I found myself again regarding my propensity towards clutter. Two points worth making: (1) Clutter is stuck energy made physical. (2) Clutter represents a physical manifestation of a scarcity mindset. ("I better hang on to that. What if I need it?"). If I am trying to invite energetic opening and abundance into my life. I need to deal with my clutter. So I devoted a little time today to doing so.

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