Something Stuck Is a Bit Less Stuck

There are many things that I want to get done. Because of how I use time, because sometimes things take longer than I'd like, because sometimes unexpected things come up, because sometimes I put stuff off: things have been piling up. I've written before that clutter, be it physical or otherwise, is a double energy drain: the clutter itself is stuck energy, and the awareness of that clutter sucks energy into it.

I have a goal to reduce the clutter--physical, mental, emotional--in my life. But sometimes I think I'm going in the opposite direction. Okay, fine: changing deep seated habits is never easy. So how do I deal with it?

I wrote this a few days ago, after taking my first tentative steps at trying to bring the format and function of Free Refills more in line with my long-term vision for the project:

I have taken the first step in moving forward, and in a sense the clutter in my world is no longer as bad as it was. I've been saying, "I need to try this," and I finally started trying. I put some hours into it. I experimented. It wasn't likely to get entirely solved all at once. It was going to take some searching and some experimenting, and it will continue to. And what is good is that I didn't make it into a black hole of time. I did the first bits of work, and I dove a little deeper into the research. So something stuck is now a bit less stuck. And that's good.

Something stuck is a bit less stuck. Yes, that is good.

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