Transition (III)

About this transition, how comfortable am I sharing details publicly? It's kind of a funny question, because I know intellectually that the majority of the people who read Free Refills are people close to me, so they mostly already know what's up. But in my head I have always treated Free Refills like I am writing to a much larger audience, to people who don't know me personally. People who are here because they like the writing and want to see more of it.

This thinking is meant as an act of intention, of manifestation.

There's a certain way that speaking of intention and manifestation always sounds a little cocky to my ears. One should be modest, yes? Except I am coming to believe that this sense that it is improper to treat and state your ambitions as already true is in fact a form of contraction. Something along the lines of Safer to not say such things, because if they were true or became true then they would necessarily open up expansion of self, and I would have no choice but to follow that expansion into the unknown. Much safer to stay here, stuck.

Contraction is a shitty choice. So let's not do that.

All right, then. I write under the assumption of a broader audience because I know that day is coming. When the universe calls us, we can choose to answer, or not. But the universe does not call us only to pull the rug out from beneath us, stand over our supine bodies and cry triumphantly, "Psych!"

But so yeah. Hence my continued choice to allude to what's going on rather than just saying it.

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