
A few weeks ago, my mentor Jerry said to me, "I don't think you're actually a writer. I think you're meant to be a teacher. Writing is just your modality."

Well. There's a bigger story there, including just how disruptive I found that assertion, and how I put it out to the universe and got some pretty clear messages that, goddammit, he's right. Look for more on this subject in the days ahead.

Anyway, if it's the case that I'm meant to teach, then Free Refills should be supportive of that in as many ways as possible. I should write pieces that teach, either directly or via the example of my own walk along this path. (I've sometimes done a pretty good job with the latter, I think.) The format of Free Refills should also support that mission--an obvious way would be to make it easier for readers to find information that's useful to them.

But I think to truly succeed at that mission, Free Refills also needs to support a community. I've stated before that the true goal of FR is to change the world. While one person working alone can generate good ideas, it takes more than just ideas to effect change. Without people committed to bringing change about, even the best ideas are little more than words.

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