From the Unlikely File: Replicating Epiphanies

Let us pretend for a minute that, after having had two separate epiphanies this summer regarding the formatting, and thus evolution, of Free Refills, I really had done something as stupid as leaving the specific details in my head rather than writing them down. Were that case--and this is purely hypothetical, I assure you--what would I do? How would I attempt to productively move forward if my recollections of the exact ideas were now vague and hard to see?

Well, I'd pretty much have to say to myself, "Tough fucking shit." Sure, I'd do my very best to recall just what it was that I was thinking, based on the desultory notes that do exist, and I'd attempt to follow the breadcrumbs from other people's work that inspired the ideas in the first place. After that, I'd just have to accept that I might have to substantially figure it out anew. I've observed that the best way to generate ideas is to work with whatever ideas I already have, no matter how thin and impoverished, and then make room for magic to happen.

Lucky for me, this is all hypothetical. My recall of those epiphanies is perfect, and it's only out of silly self-consciousness that I'm not today telling you all about them. So don't worry about me.

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