Indistinguishable from Magic: Invitation

In recent weeks I have watched with joy and pleasure and wonder as the flow in my life has expanded and expanded and expanded. But I've seen little change in the flow around and within my daily work.

I'm seeing growth throughout my life, except in the area of my work. Surely that is indicative of a block, yes?

Yet I believe myself to be poised on the cusp of change there, too, a change as devoutly desired and as necessary as any in my life.

So then, what can I actively do to most effectively bring about that change?

The expansion in my life doesn't feel like something I have created, per se. I mean, I continue my practices--I center, I meditate, I cultivate energy and flow consciously through my body whenever I think of it. But what I am receiving now in return seems like far more than I have put in. The other day I wrote, "Take one step toward the universe and the universe will take one million toward you." That's a nice turn of phrase, easy to say, but when I really confront it and accept that it appears to be true, I find that it opens up a whole lot of questions about who we really are and what our role during our time on this planet is really supposed to be. Big questions. The biggest.

When I look closely, it feels like the main action I have done to cultivate this expansion is to welcome it. To delight in its presence, to tell it, "Come on in," that it is always welcome here. As I've gotten to know it, I invite its presence more and more.

The major stuckness in my life is in respect to my work. I haven't much seen an opening there, even as everything else has opened. I want that opening. I'm ready for it, even as I acknowledge that, because I have been blocked there for so long, it is likely to be a hell of a ride when the opening starts.

Okay, then. I'm ready. I'll strap in.

Welcome, flow. I invite you in.

Here we go.

One thought on “Indistinguishable from Magic: Invitation”

  1. Question asked of my tarot, premised on this article: what can Ben do to most actively bring about change and flow in the area of work?

    Yoni Spread:
    1. Situation as it really exists behind appearances. Earth: Fruition. (Earth is the element of the physical, career and finances, home, the body, health.) The card, through image of a voluptuous African woman who carries the gifts of the harvest to be shared with her family and community, you are hearing that to most actively bring about change and flow you must only open now. Its time to fully experience your rewards for long work well done. This is the time of fruition, of enjoying life at its peak.

    2. The course of action that spirit suggests. Seas: Joy (Seas represent feeling and human emotion, spirit, flow, water is where creativity, intuition, and psychic perception is born). The card shows a beautiful mermaid who basks in her feeling element of water, seated on a rose quartz foundation of love. She is here to reveal the emotional abundance of pleasure that is yours to immerse yourself in through the pure flow of giving and receiving when you are oriented toward the beauty all around you. She shows you how to open completely to your vital heart energy that connects you to the pleasure of life in each moment.

    3. Outcome. Wind: Patience. (Wind is the element of air and the mind; an active creative force that brings ideas and inspirations, and by being open and flexible, you allow concepts to shift and reveal even greater creative force.) The guidance from this card, in the form a beautiful radiant mother with child who sits with the deep peace of patience, is that as you allow your patient, receptive mind to come to center, to come to internal alignment with source, you open the channels for all that you desire to come to you when appropriate, for your greatest joy and fulfillment.

    So. To recap: What looks like lack right now is just the opposite. It is the universe offering you a huge bounty of life’s wealth to be shared with friends and family, a time of fruition, to enjoy life at its peak. Spirit is telling you to immerse yourself in the flow of each moment, in the beauty and pleasure all around you all the time if you but stop to notice. If you align with the deeper meaning, and open yourself more fully to source, you will open that channel within you and from it will flow all that you desire.

    All in all, seems like a pretty sweet draw.

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