No, Actually. Still Not a Blog

I think it's more like this: Free Refills might be seen to contain a blog, or, ultimately, even several blogs (relating to different subjects, for example), but the site itself is not a blog. It's simply bigger than that. As I start to assemble pieces into bigger pieces, the not-blog nature of what Free Refills is and has always been will be far more apparent. Reverse chronology implies that my pieces lose value as they recede from the present. I've never accepted that idea and I never will.

That said, there may be times when the right approach is to dive back toward process and explore from there. That approach, to me, is the very sort of thing that blogs excel at. Still, it remains critical to me that as many pieces as possible connect to greater wholes; I won't lose sight of that goal. And I've noticed, looking back on my work, that even when a piece fits the standard idea of blogpost, I retain a faith that there's something ultimately valuable--to the world, not just to me--in the play-by-play of figuring out exactly what it is I'm doing here. I have faith that something truly helpful will ultimately come into focus.

And if not? If I'm wrong about that? It's nevertheless been personally helpful, and also fun, to operate As If.

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